path: root/posts/lisps-assembly-c-and-conlangs.html
diff options
authorSteph Enders <>2024-03-07 15:17:29 -0500
committerSteph Enders <>2024-03-07 15:17:29 -0500
commit1f689fd039533801842ae241671f2437ddbe0044 (patch)
tree50d3db88f2c7e676d6679696a101e6ae2b25448f /posts/lisps-assembly-c-and-conlangs.html
parent80f5dacf988b1cddd04eea6c4a6f70b165376764 (diff)
Copy old files and update to generate it all!
This is a huge messy commit but :) sue me. I'm not at work I can do git badly for once!
Diffstat (limited to 'posts/lisps-assembly-c-and-conlangs.html')
1 files changed, 102 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/posts/lisps-assembly-c-and-conlangs.html b/posts/lisps-assembly-c-and-conlangs.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8f2967c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/posts/lisps-assembly-c-and-conlangs.html
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+--post-date: 2019-12-09
+--type: blog
+ <article>
+ <h1>Lisps, Assembly, C, and Conlangs</h1>
+ <p>I had originally hoped to do more blogging as a way of practicing my
+ writing and an incentive to do more hobby programming. The intent was
+ never to make this site solely programming, I had actually a few scrapped
+ posts about baking and guitar that just didn&#39;t get anywhere... but
+ that being said I did have a fair amount of hobbying in 2019 that I can
+ share some unfiltered, semi-structured thoughts on.</p>
+ <h2>Racket, 80x86, and even more C</h2>
+ <h3>Racket</h3>
+ <p><a target="_blank"
+ href="">Racket</a> is a general-purpose
+ lisp-like language. I had began messing around in it with the
+ intention of creating a similar language to <a target="_blank"
+ href="">Scribble</a> a document
+ authoring language written in Racket. I made <a target="_blank"
+ href="">the classic mistake</a> of trying to
+ create a productivity tool rather than just do the task I had
+ originally intended to do. It was interesting messing around in a
+ lisp/functional language which I haven&#39;t really used in a long
+ time. I wish I had more insightful things to say about it or project
+ to share. Either way its very worth the look.</p>
+ <h3>6502 -&gt; 80x86 -&gt; Commander X16</h3>
+ <p>I wanted to play around with writing some assembly language programs.
+ I looked back at the NES tutorials and tried writing some basic
+ hello-world programs for it, but never really came out with anything
+ worth while. I booted up dosbox and tried experimenting in some DOS
+ programming to get a kick of nostalgia. On my way over to a friends
+ apartment I stumbled across an 80x86 reference book which I took home and
+ dug into. I made some decent progress in, relative to my 6502 learning.
+ But this was in the summer, and I was preparing for what would turn into
+ a pretty time consuming move. After my move, my puppy, and some youtube,
+ <a target="_blank"
+ href="">The 8-Bit Guy</a> made a video about
+ his 8 Bit computer project <a target="_blank"
+ href="">Commander X16</a>
+ which I started looking into. Like all the other assembly language
+ projects they never amounted to more than a few print statements or
+ colors on the screen. But X16 is something I am going to keep an eye
+ on in 2020.<br>
+ <a target="_blank"
+ href="">Ben Eater</a> also started a <a target=
+ "_blank"
+ href="">6502 video series</a> which was amazing,
+ and thankfully my learnings from earlier in the year made the content
+ very understandable. In summary, I spent a lot of 2019 reading and
+ watching a lot of content about assembly language programming, but
+ never really did anything with it.</p>
+ <h3>Never ending C</h3>
+ <p>Without much to really say on the topic, I kept writing small programs
+ in C throughout the year. I spent a lot of time debugging and
+ troubleshooting a prefix terminal calculator with the intention of making
+ it a full utility to use on the command line / from within scripts. You
+ could do simple math without opening up x-calc, which I find myself doing
+ to check some quick math. Example code: <code class="inline">calc &quot;+
+ 1 1&quot;</code>. To me this was far cleaner than writing: <code class=
+ 'inline'>echo $((1+1))</code>. The big ideas I had for it was adding a
+ REPL and making it a command line calculator tool where you could get the
+ features of a standard calculator with store and recall functions. This
+ project involved making two stacks: the operations and the numbers.
+ Implementing two stacks from scratch was interesting and I may upload the
+ source and link it in an update. Overall it was full of breaks, bugs,
+ wrong turns, and bizarre memory issues. So needless to say it was a fun 3
+ days of programming.</p>
+ <h2>Non Programming Writing</h2>
+ <p>The project that soaked up a majority of my writing time, which sadly
+ should&#39;ve been documented here, was my conlang / world-building
+ project &quot;Tyur&quot;. This project spawned out of sci-fi story ideas
+ that, of course, never went anywhere (due to my poor dialog writing, and
+ writing in general) and my interest in language history. I have been
+ reading <a target="_blank"
+ href=
+ "">
+ The Horse the Wheel and Language</a> by David W. Anthony, which goes into
+ the history around Proto-Indo-European. It can be a bit dense so I had
+ been reading it on and off, and during the off times also started
+ <a target="_blank"
+ href=
+ "">The
+ Origins of Language: A Slim Guide</a> by James R. Hurford, which tries
+ to provide insights on the evolutionary concept of language. Both of
+ these provided some fodder for the idea of creating my own <a target=
+ "_blank"
+ href="">conlang</a>.
+ My conlang is &quot;Tyur&quot; the language spoken by the Tyur people.
+ This process has really been a mix of world-building around the Tyur
+ and some fun fantasy mini story ideas similar to The Lord of the Rings
+ and old Warhammer Fantasy worlds. This however began my adventure down
+ the rabbit hole of trying to figure out how to create a font so I can
+ write more here about it. The documentation on this conlang is a mix
+ of loose-leaf folded in my bag that I scribble on when I get an idea.
+ So figuring out a proper way of building the alphabet and some root
+ words to start a dictionary are my current goals for the remainder of
+ the year/ start of 2020.</p>
+ <h2>Closing</h2>
+ <p>In closing, I think despite not writing much here, I messed around
+ with some interesting languages this year, and hope I can hobby more in
+ 2020.</p>
+ </article>