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+# Music Spotlight: A Song of Cheese and Hammer
+This is a short write up on a fun discovery I made Friday morning. I was making my coffee reading through some of the emails I got, and one from bandcamp jumped out. A great post-rock band 'God is an Astronaut' (the most post-rock of band names) released a live album! (link below to their video) I was curious if it was going to be on vinyl, so I went to their labels webshop to see. It doesn't appear to be (since I don't see a pre-order up for it) but what I found was much better.
+HAMMER KING, is a German heavy metal group producing some of the purest cheese on the market. What hooked me in was their dope cover art for the upcoming release: Hammer King.
+=> [jpg] Hammer King Album Art (from bandcamps cdn)
+I didn't know Shredder from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles got even more metal. But these guys aren't anything new, original, or breathtaking. They're exactly what you would expect from a European heavy metal band named HAMMER KING. Especially with tracks titled:
+* Kingdom of the Hammer King
+* I am the king
+* I am the hammer king
+* We are the hammer
+* Glory to the Hammer King
+And that is just from their debut album, Kingdom of the Hammer King (Granted it appears to be a concept album about the Hammer King himself). Anything more I could say is perfectly encapsulated by this review on Encylopædia Metallum:
+> Hammer King. Hammer. King. King of the Hammer. How does it sound? Does it sound like Manowar? Good. Because you don’t even need to listen to one of Hammer King’s tracks to know what’s up. Manowar is up. Steel is up. And glory is up. Do you think you’ve seen it all? It actually doesn’t matter because Hammer King are by no means a revolutionary band who try to reinvent the wheel. Their goal, however, is “to play the truest heavy metal in this and all other worlds”.
+=> [https] Review: Kingdom of the Hammer King
+## Conclusion
+I would check these guys out. Listening to the tracks coming up on their next album is pretty metal. Do you like cheese? Do you like heavy metal with a mix of epic-fantasy power metal mixed in? I'll just say: next D&D game you know what is going to be playing in the background.
+=> [bandcamp] HAMMER KING
+# Links
+=> /gemlog/ Gemlog
+=> / Home
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+# Contributing Something More
+Something I have been thinking about is how I can contribute to the space beyond just gemloging and IRC engagement. I've noticed more diverse content getting created: from zines, proxies, services, even social networking, and I was wondering what I could contribute.
+## Music related content?
+Something I have been pondering is how my obsession with music could produce something fun and engaging for everyone here. Part of me was thinking of making something guitar related (my primary instrument) - perhaps a chord database or some music theory for guitar series.
+Another idea was some way of doing a collaborative playlist for the space? Have member submit songs? Pretty small idea. Something I've found great about Soundcloud/Bandcamp was that listeners could share their thoughts directly on the page. I like reading album reviews and how people liked songs.
+## <something> of the <temporal-unit> club?
+Something thats only a step up from gemlogging was some cadence having something that others could engage with - be it a book of the month type thing; more likely for me some album of the week.
+I wouldn't know the best way to do that - since the idea would for anyone of the participants to just suggest the next album, rotating around - so maybe hosting a capsule specifically and just use email to collect suggestions? I don't think the effort of having a client cert input of "name - album info" is worth it considering any mistakes/clarity would probably require follow-up and I think providing some links would be nice.
+## Hosting a capsule for a specific topic?
+I always toyed with the idea of maybe hosting a capsule for royalty free music created by members. Act as a sort of repository. Like splice for the smolnet.
+Or even just a space where users can contribute music they've made - even if it hosted on a site like bandcamp, soundcloud or youtube. The only thing with hosting audio files would be ensuring the right license is attached.
+## Contribute to an existing project?
+I don't think my writing skills are up to snuff to actually contribute to a proper zine? And the downside of such a simple protocol is there isn't exactly a lot of active development in the client/server space warranting a lot of coding contributions. Plus I program a decent chunk of my workday so programming isn't always what I feel like doing in my freetime.
+## Getting a head start
+Most of these are pretty small barrier of entry - and not even all the ideas I've had. Just the ones I can remember at 10pm as I write this, while playing with my dog.
+May is always a busy month for me, and even busier this year with the move happening, and our second vaccine shots scheduled. So I figured rather than toil with all of this just put it out there in case someone else has been wanting for any of these random ideas. Maybe a +1 will motivate me to get started.
+## Conclusion
+I feel like the previous paragraph was my actual conclusion so I guess I'll leave with all the cool stuff I found - not to take the wind out of my first links sails (considering its the topic of their first post!) and part with the question: is there anything I said here that sounds interesting? Do some of these ideas exist? Happy to chat via email about it since I'll be off IRC for a few days while I move - so can't reliably answer there.
+### Cool stuff I've found
+=> gemini://
+=> gemini://
+=> gemini://
+=> gemini://
+=> gemini://
+=> gemini://
+=> gemini://
+=> gemini://
+=> gemini://
+And a bunch more I am forgetting just because those were in my recent history :)
+# Links
+=> /gemlog/ Gemlog
+=> / Home
diff --git a/gemini/gemlog/2021-05-08-more-diverse-content.gmi b/gemini/gemlog/2021-05-08-more-diverse-content.gmi
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+# More Diverse Content
+Something I have been thinking about is how I can contribute to the space beyond just gemloging and IRC engagement. I've noticed more diverse content getting promoted. From zines, proxies, services, even social networking, and I was wondering what I could contribute.
+## Music related content?
+Something I have been pondering is how my obsession with music could produce something fun and engaging for everyone here. Part of me was thinking of making something guitar related (my primary instrument) - perhaps a chord database or some music theory for guitar series.
+Another idea was some way of doing a collaborative playlist for the space? Have member submit songs? Pretty small idea. Something I've found great about Soundcloud/Bandcamp was that listeners could share their thoughts directly on the page. I like reading album reviews and how people liked songs.
+## <something> of the <temporal-unit> club?
+Something thats only a step up from gemlogging was some cadence having something that others could engage with - be it a book of the month type thing; more likely for me some album of the week.
+I wouldn't know the best way to do that - since the idea would for anyone of the participants to just suggest the next album, rotating around - so maybe hosting a capsule specifically and just use email to collect suggestions? I don't think the effort of having a client cert input of "name - album info" is worth it considering any mistakes/clarity would probably require follow-up and I think providing some links would be nice.
+## Hosting a capsule for a specific topic?
+I always toyed with the idea of maybe hosting a capsule for royalty free music created by members. Act as a sort of repository. Like splice for the smolnet.
+Or even just a space where users can contribute music they've made - even if it hosted on a site like bandcamp, soundcloud or youtube. The only thing with hosting audio files would be ensuring the right license is attached.
+## Contribute to an existing project?
+I don't think my writing skills are up to snuff to actually contribute to a proper zine? And the downside of such a simple protocol is there isn't exactly a lot of active development in the client/server space warranting a lot of coding contributions. Plus I program a decent chunk of my workday so programming isn't always what I feel like doing in my freetime.
+## Getting a head start
+Most of these are pretty small barrier of entry - and not even all the ideas I've had. Just the ones I can remember at 10pm as I write this, while playing with my dog.
+May is always a busy month for me, and even busier this year with the move happening, and our second vaccine shots scheduled. So I figured rather than toil with all of this just put it out there in case someone else has been wanting for any of these random ideas. Maybe a +1 will motivate me to get started.
+## Conclusion
+I feel like the previous paragraph was my actual conclusion so I guess I'll leave with all the cool stuff I found - not to take the wind out of my first links sails (considering its the topic of their first post!) and part with the question: is there anything I said here that sounds interesting? Do some of these ideas exist? Happy to chat via email about it since I'll be off IRC for a few days while I move - so can't reliably answer there.
+### Cool stuff I've found
+=> gemini://
+=> gemini://
+=> gemini://
+=> gemini://
+=> gemini://
+=> gemini://
+=> gemini://
+=> gemini://
+=> gemini://
+And a bunch more I am forgetting just because those were in my recent history :)
+# Links
+=> /gemlog/ Gemlog
+=> / Home
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+# Done Moving! Sort of...
+Hello fellow geminauts! I am finally back, sort of!
+## Moving sucks
+As I said before, I really hate moving. I am now in my new place, but its very much unfinished. We moved our stuff into the two finished rooms of this three bedroom floor. But they weren't empty! So our entire apartment has been squeezed into these two rooms. So it is a bit of a tight fit. I managed when I returned (after a 1 and a half day absence) to setup our couch and bed in one of the rooms to at least give us some semblance of a living space.
+## Box fort!
+Because nothing but two bedrooms were empty enough for us to put all of our stuff into, one room is basically all of our boxes and furniture. So I, actually while writing this initially, sorted some of the boxes and rearranged some things to open the floorspace up enough that we can at least start to figure out what to do this weekend (so when I wake up tomorrow).
+## Internet setup
+What is currently holding me back from feeling "moved in" is not having my desk/computer. We're sharing internet with her family who lives on the floor beneath us. But we need to run a cable up to this floor for me to setup an Access Point to extend the WiFi range, but also I need to go into the attic and run some ethernet into the various bedrooms. I have 2 switches already which should be enough, as we only REALLY need ethernet in two of the rooms. But I may have to buy a third. I really want to get my sites and capsule back running from home rather than the cloud. But until I have some hardwire I am sutck.
+### Do we just get our own internet plan?
+So because this floor is intended to be rented out to strangers once my girlfriend and I figure out what we are going to do about living (I want to buy a home, but I have to ya' know... do all that work that goes into that) so in the meantime, do we split their internet?
+Part of me wants to just so I can "control" the router. I am a control freak when it comes to router configurations. I have flashed every router I've owned with a FOSS firmware, and I always over secure my password/SSID etc. To the detriment of my family where I have to reset the router every so often because they forget the password to the admin (and I lose it too, but keepass has come to the rescue on that!)
+## When do you adjust to a new place as home?
+This is my girlfriends childhood home. She already feels at home. I am still adjusting. It has only been two full days here for me. But I am fairly easy going when it comes to "new spaces" (I've been hear plenty as she was living here when we started dating, and is located in the same city we lived in, so it wasn't exactly far!). But as I mentioned there are just a few things that I like to have that help me feel at home - my computer and my guitars. Everywhere I have lived those have been my outlets, so right now when I am bored I feel like there is nothing for me to do. Since I can't DO anything.
+## This weekend
+So my goal for this weekend is to find a way to setup my desk and PC, and maybe build a small pedal board for my guitar and get my amp setup. The pedals are a strethc goal. Just getting out my good cables and guitar in a reachable space is enough to feel like I LIVE here, and am not just HERE. If that made any sense!
+## Conclusion
+Overall, I am grateful. I am living here at a reduce rent out of the kindness of her parents as we figure out our next situation. Our puppies are really happy to have their grandparents around. My girlfriend feels much safer here than at our old apartment, and I think once the renovations start to wrap up will feel less anxiety. I know she never felt really at home in our apartments (despite my efforts to help her adjust to not living at home for the first times). So what may end up being a few months of slight inconvenience, but that is fine with me.
+I can post to my gemlog from my work PC for now, and I am glad to be back! I have a fun write-up in the works about music that will hopefully get some people replying with their own spin on it :)
+# Links
+=> /gemlog/ Gemlog
+=> / Home
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+# 5x5 Playlists
+A friend of mine spoke about how at their job they each shared a 5x5 playlist. This was a way they did some team bonding and sharing and I thought I'd introduce it to the gemini space and encourage others to share! Would be a fun thing to listen to. I made one back then and I'll make another specifically for this post. I attached Spotify links as well as the textual list with some notes about each artist.
+## Whats in a 5x5
+A 5x5 playlist is any 5 songs from 5 different artists. So a 25 song playlist you can share with people. It is that simple. You can make it themed or just your 5 favorite songs from your 5 favorite artists. Both of mine fall into the "I just want to share a variety of music I like". Another is a ready made playlist that showcases your tastes in music - but I find this doesn't work that well for that. But I am thinking of putting together a playlist like that: 1 song per genre that I like.
+## My playlists
+### My new 5x5 playlist
+For this post I wanted to make a new playlist:
+=> [spotify] My second 5x5
+First artist is Tina Dico(Dickow) I have spoken to her talents in a previous post and I have a write-up on Count To Ten in drafts.
+* Count to Ten - Tina Dico - Count To Ten
+* Open Wide - Tina Dico - Count To Ten
+* Warm Sand - Tina Dico - Far
+* Break of Day - Tina Dico - Far
+* Alt Hvad Hun Ville Var At Danse - Tina Dickow - En Håndfuld Danske
+Up next is another all time favorite of mine: Raised by Swans
+* violet light - Raised By Swans - Codes and Secret Longing
+* phantom limb /divded by night - Raised By Swans - Codes and Secret Longing
+* relentless - Raised By Swans - Codes and Secret Longing
+* We Were Never Young - No Ghostless Place
+* fortress without doors - Raised By Swans - raised by swans is the name of a man, volume 1
+Breaking from these more mellow artists into a band whose 2020 release was my number one of last year: Bell Witch
+* Beneath The Mask - Bell Witch - Longing
+* I Wait - Bell Witch - Longing
+* Suffocation, A Burial: I - Awoken (Breathing Teeth) - Bell Witch - Four Phantoms
+* The Bastard Wind - Bell Witch, Aerial Ruin - Stygian Bough Volume I
+* Mirror Reaper - Bell Witch - Mirror Reaper (see you in an hour)
+An artist you'll see in my 2021 album review: KANGA
+* Something Dangerous - KANGA - KANGA
+* Honey - KANGA - KANGA
+* Vital Signs - KANGA - KANGA
+* Home - KANGA - You and I Will Never Die
+* Godless - KANGA - You and I will Never Die
+And some goth, because we're all a little goth aren't we: Ludovico Technique
+* Dead Inside - Ludovico Technique - Some Things Are Beyond Therapy
+* Deeper Into You - Ludovico Technique - Some Things Are Beyond Therapy
+* Absence - Ludovico Technique - Absence (single)
+* Up to the Flams - Ludovico Technique - Up to the Flames (single)
+* Becoming Numb - Ludovico Technique - Becoming Number (single)
+I feel this is a nice variety especially from my usual overly metal music recommendations. I chose 4 of my favorite artists not covered in my last 5x5 and a wildcard (Ludovico Technique) since they've been on my rotation lately.
+### My first 5x5 playlist
+=> [spotify] My first 5x5
+* Everything Has Its Point - Rival Schools - United by Fate
+* Undercovers On - Rival Schools - United by Fate
+* Used For Glue - Rival Schools - United by Fate
+* Holding Sand - Rival Schools - United by Fate
+* Favorite Star - Rival Schools - United by Fate
+* Compendium - Elder - Lore
+* Gemini - Elder - Dead Roots Stirring
+* Sanctuary - Elder - Reflections of a Floating Wolrd
+* Knot - Elder - Dead Roots Stirring
+* Spirt At Aphelion - Elder - Lore
+* Marked for Death - Emma Ruth Rundle - Marked For Death
+* Dead Set Eyes - Emma Ruth Rundle - On Dark Horses
+* Real Big Sky - Emma Ruth Rundle - Marked for Death
+* Light Song - Emma Ruth Rundle - On Dark Horses
+* Protection - Emma Ruth Rundle - Marked for Death
+* Funeralopolis - Electric Wizard - Dopethrone
+* Barbarian - Electric Wizard - Dopethrone
+* I, The Witchfinder - Electric Wizard - Dopethrone
+* Dopethrone - Electric Wizard - Deopthrone
+* Return Trip - Electric Wizard - Come my Fanatics...
+* Technical Difficulties - Racer X - Technical Difficulties
+* Scarified - Racer X - Second Heat
+* Street Lethal - Racer X - Second Heat
+* Superheroes - Racer X - Superheroes
+* Godzilla - Racer X - Superheroes
+## Conclusion
+If you like the idea I'd love to listen to your 5x5 playlists and I am sure other people might be interested as well! It is always interesting to see what people like / listen to - and read why they chose these particular 5 artists. Feel free to email me your playlist or post if you want :)
+# Links
+=> /gemlog/ Gemlog
+=> / Home
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Welcome to my gemlog. I post whenever I do something I feel is worth writing about. I tend to write about music, development and sometimes some personal stuff. I try and make my titles clear to what the topic is.
## My posts
+=> 2021-05-18-5x5-playlists.gmi 2021-05-18 - 5x5 Playlists
+=> 2021-05-15-done-moving-sortof.gmi 2021-05-15 - Done Moving! Sort of...
+=> 2021-05-08-contributing-something-more.gmi 2021-05-08 - Contributing Something More
+=> 2021-05-07-music-spotlight-a-song-of-cheese-and-hammer.gmi 2021-05-07 - Music Spotlight: A Song of Cheese and Hammer
=> 2021-05-06-preparing-to-move.gmi 2021-05-06 - Preparing to Move
=> 2021-05-05-re-spacing-in-gemdocs.gmi 2021-05-05 - re: Spacing in Gemdocs
=> 2021-05-05-getting-back-into-radio.gmi 2021-05-05 - Getting Back Into Radio