#include "helper.hpp" #include std::shared_ptr> loadTextures(const char* path) { int sprite_width = SPRITE_SIZE, sprite_height = SPRITE_SIZE; sf::Image textureAtlas; if (!textureAtlas.loadFromFile(path)) { std::cerr << "Unable to load textures from file: " << path << std::endl; throw std::runtime_error("Unable to load spritesheet"); } textureAtlas.createMaskFromColor(GLOBAL_MASK); auto imageSize = textureAtlas.getSize(); auto textures = std::make_shared>(); for (int y = 0; y < imageSize.y; y += sprite_height) { for (int x = 0; x < imageSize.x; x += sprite_width) { sf::Texture t; t.loadFromImage(textureAtlas, sf::IntRect(x, y, sprite_width, sprite_height)); textures->push_back(t); } } return textures; } // increment through the textures inline int next(int* p, int max) { int i = *p; (*p) = (i + 1) % max; return i; } std::shared_ptr> createBoard(std::shared_ptr> textures) { auto board = std::make_shared>(); sf::Texture& star_texture = (*textures)[STAR_TILE]; int blank_idx = 0; int sp_idx = 0; /* Positions * [3, 2, 1, 0] [14, 13, 12] * [4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11] * [3, 2, 1, 0] [14, 13, 12] * star piece is 7 * vitory is 14 */ // p1 pieces // p1 star // id's don't matter { sf::Sprite s; s.setTexture(star_texture); s.setPosition(pos(3, 5)); struct board_t bp = { P1_ID, 3, s }; board->push_back(bp); } // p1 start for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { sf::Texture& t = (*textures)[P1_BOARD_TILES[next(&sp_idx, 2)]]; sf::Sprite s; s.setTexture(t); s.setPosition(pos(4 + i, 5)); struct board_t bp = { P1_ID, 2 - i, s }; board->push_back(bp); } // p1 end { sf::Sprite goal; goal.setTexture((*textures)[P1_END]); goal.setPosition(pos(8, 5)); struct board_t exit_p = { P1_ID, EXIT_SPACE, goal }; board->push_back(exit_p); sf::Sprite end_star; end_star.setTexture(star_texture); end_star.setPosition(pos(9, 5)); struct board_t end_p = { P1_ID, EXIT_SPACE - 1, end_star }; board->push_back(end_p); sf::Texture& t = (*textures)[P1_BOARD_TILES[next(&sp_idx, 2)]]; sf::Sprite s; s.setTexture(t); s.setPosition(pos(10, 5)); struct board_t bp = { P1_ID, EXIT_SPACE - 2, s }; board->push_back(bp); } // center pieces for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { sf::Sprite s; if (i == 3) { s.setTexture(star_texture); } else { sf::Texture& t = (*textures)[BLANK_TILES[next(&blank_idx, 3)]]; s.setTexture(t); } s.setPosition(pos(3 + i, 4)); struct board_t bp = { SHARED_ID, 4 + i, s }; board->push_back(bp); } // p2 pieces // p2 star { sf::Sprite s; s.setTexture(star_texture); s.setPosition(pos(3, 3)); struct board_t bp = { P2_ID, 3, s }; board->push_back(bp); } // p2 start for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { sf::Texture& t = (*textures)[P2_BOARD_TILES[next(&sp_idx, 2)]]; sf::Sprite s; s.setTexture(t); s.setPosition(pos(4 + i, 3)); struct board_t bp = { P2_ID, 2 - i, s }; board->push_back(bp); } // p2 end { sf::Sprite goal; goal.setTexture((*textures)[P2_END]); goal.setPosition(pos(8, 3)); struct board_t goal_p = { P2_ID, EXIT_SPACE, goal }; board->push_back(goal_p); sf::Sprite end_star; end_star.setTexture(star_texture); end_star.setPosition(pos(9, 3)); struct board_t end_p = { P2_ID, EXIT_SPACE - 1, end_star }; board->push_back(end_p); sf::Texture& t = (*textures)[P2_BOARD_TILES[next(&sp_idx, 2)]]; sf::Sprite end_tile; end_tile.setTexture(t); end_tile.setPosition(pos(10, 3)); struct board_t bp = { P2_ID, EXIT_SPACE - 2, end_tile }; board->push_back(bp); } return board; } sf::Font loadFont() { sf::Font font; if (!font.loadFromFile("./res/DejaVuSansMono.ttf")) { std::cerr << "Unable to load font" << std::endl; throw std::runtime_error("Unable to load font"); } return font; } std::shared_ptr createPiece(int id, sf::Texture& texture) { sf::Sprite s(texture); auto p = std::make_shared(); p->id = id; p->position = -1; p->sprite = s; return p; } std::shared_ptr createPlayer(const int pid, sf::Texture& texture) { std::shared_ptr player = std::make_shared(); player->pid = pid; player->score = 0; player->pieces = std::make_shared>(); for (int i = 0; i < NUM_PIECES; i++) { player->pieces->push_back(*createPiece(i + 1, texture)); } return player; } std::shared_ptr> createAllDice(sf::Texture& die0Texture, sf::Texture& die1Texture) { auto dice = std::make_shared>(); // create dice, even 0 odds 1 // there are 8 dice results int total // 4 potential 0s // 4 potential 1s // The dice will be rendered in pairs // [0, 1] will be the left most die // [2, 3] will be the second // ... and so on // Since a die can only have 2 results (0 or 1) // To simplify how we will be placing them, the results of the roll // will dictate which value each die gets for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { if (i % 2 == 0) { sf::Sprite s; s.setTexture(die0Texture); struct dice_t die = { 0, true, s }; dice->push_back(die); } else { sf::Sprite s; s.setTexture(die1Texture); struct dice_t die = { 1, false, s }; dice->push_back(die); } } return dice; } std::shared_ptr> createRollSprites(sf::Texture& t1, sf::Texture& t2) { auto sprites = std::make_shared>(); sprites->push_back(sf::Sprite(t1)); sprites->push_back(sf::Sprite(t2)); return sprites; } void makeNum(sf::Sprite* sprite_ptr, int num, std::shared_ptr> textures) { sf::Texture& t = (*textures)[NUMS_TILES[num]]; sprite_ptr->setTexture(t); }; bool clickedPiece(sf::Vector2i mousePosition, struct piece_t* piece) { return piece->sprite.getGlobalBounds().contains(mousePosition.x, mousePosition.y); } bool canMovePiece(struct piece_t* piece, int roll, std::shared_ptr> myPieces, std::shared_ptr> enemyPieces) { int next = piece->position + roll; // rolled passed the exit if (next > EXIT_SPACE) { return false; } // colliding with another piece for (struct piece_t& p : (*myPieces)) { // cannot move onto your own piece if (p.id != piece->id && p.position == next) { return false; } } // can't attack in safe square for (struct piece_t& p : (*enemyPieces)) { // cannot move onto a protected enemy piece if (next == SAFE_SPACE && p.position == SAFE_SPACE) { return false; } } return true; } // This function takes in an row and col we want to put the sprite in // and translate it to a real position in the view // This is because we've ZOOMed in an that adjusts the entire view. sf::Vector2f pos(float c, float r) { return { c * SPRITE_SIZE, r * SPRITE_SIZE }; } bool canPlace(struct piece_t* piece, int turn_pid, struct board_t board_tile, std::shared_ptr> myPieces, std::shared_ptr> opponentPieces, int& takenPieceId) { if (board_tile.pid != turn_pid && board_tile.pid != SHARED_ID) return false; int position = board_tile.position; if (position == EXIT_SPACE) return true; // can always place in the exit // can never collide with your own pieces for (auto& p : (*myPieces)) { if ((p.id != piece->id) // not the same && (p.position == position)) { return false; // collides with own pieces } } // can collide with an enemy if (position >= 4 && position <= 11) { for (auto& p : (*opponentPieces)) { // collided if (p.position == position) { // can not capture on safe space if (position == SAFE_SPACE) return false; takenPieceId = p.id; return true; } } } return true; }