
About the Woman in my Eye

About me, the author

Hello, I am a 30s something transgender woman from the north east coast United States. I transitioned at the age of 31 after years of struggling with my gender. I'm sure you'll find out more of that here in my posts. I started this site to try and just make a resource for folks who are questioning their gender or struggling during their own transitions. For some context at the time of starting this site the internet was in a bit of a crossroads. Multiple websites that were places for communities to grow started to struggle as leadership was changing or forcing the direction of the sites in a way that pushes outs its communities. So I wanted to have a place in my own control to aggregate resources and share my own stories for folks to find.

Now that's a bit ambitious of course. I understand that. Realistically, I plan to write my personal journery here as a resource first and share any resources I've come across in the meantime. Heck, this will also do wonders, with my short memory, acting as almost a universal bookmark!
