
If you have any questions you can always reach out to me or the person denoted under each section. I have broken things into categories with no real priority between the areas/items. Gunpla is welcome, and I can update this with the models I own later, but they're hard to get since most sites sell out of the ones I want and I have a backlog at the moment.


Records I want - Rather than tabularize the records I have my eye on. I have just tagged them on discogs.

What I already own - You can double check with Carolynn

General suggestions

Since that list is clearly not exhaustive (I don't have the time to flag everything). I will essentially just list some bands I like and own very few records of (sorted alphabetically)

Artist Owned
Black Sabbath Paranoid
Incubus S.C.I.E.N.C.E, Trust Fall
Iron Maiden
Jefferson Airplane
Jimi Hendrix Electric Ladyland, Band of Gypsys
Khemmis Deceiver (Preordered)
Led Zepplin Dad's Zep 1, Zep 4
Muse Dronez
Pink Floyd Meddle, Atom Heart Mother, Dark Side of the Moon
Rage Against The Machine
Ten Years After Cricklewood Green
The Who Live At Leeds
Traffic Dad's John Barlycorn
Uada Djinn

Owned but not listed

I have some preorders on the way, so I don't have the catalog info to put into Discogs

Shopping for records

If you have used Discogs before I find it a bit tough to navigate. Just be aware of what country the seller is from as that typically relates to ship time.

I would be happy with any record if you think I would like it. Be wary of quality of the media. Typically anything less than VG+ on discogs is questionable. I don't care much about getting an original vs reissue.

If a release is 2020 or 2021 - you can do a bit of research and sometimes find the actual merch store - but watch out for turnaround time with any actual record label sites/store fronts. Typically, if a record is released within the last year or so its price is $20-$30 before shipping - so if it's new (even reissue) try finding a real storefront before going second hand.

For Information Only - Not recommended


Talk to Dan if you have any questions
Item name Cost Link
Broodlord $40 https://www.games-workshop.com/en-US/Tyranid-Broodlord
Deathleaper $24.75 https://www.games-workshop.com/en-US/Tyranid-Deathleaper
Lictor 24.75 https://www.games-workshop.com/en-US/Tyranid-Lictor
Any cool Warhammer Fantasy Dwarf Don't spend more than $25 Talk to Dan
Any cool Warhammer Fantasy Skaven Don't spend more than $25 Talk to Dan
A Human to proxy as Felix Don't spend more than $25 This is for Dan specifically

For the Dwarf/Skaven I want a cool model to build but feel free to get anything :) O.G Warhammer is a +1.


I like anything UC esp 0079 and 0083.

To help avoid and duplicate buys with Gunpla here is a longlist of the ones I have.

Gunpla I own