
If you have any questions you can always reach out to me or the person denoted under each section. I have broken things into categories with no real priority between the areas/items. Gunpla is welcome, and I can update this with the models I own later, but they're hard to get since most sites sell out of the ones I want and I have a backlog at the moment.


Records I want - Rather than tabularize the records I have my eye on. I have just tagged them on discogs.

What I already own - You can double check with Carolynn

If you have used Discogs before I find it a bit tough to navigate. Just be aware of what country the seller is from as that typically relates to ship time.

I would be happy with any record if you think I would like it. Be wary of quality of the media. Typically anything less than VG+ on discogs and reverb is questionable. I don't care much about getting an original vs reissue.

If a release is 2019 or 2020 - you can do a bit of research and sometimes find the actual merch store - but watch out for turnaround time with any actual record label sites/store fronts.


Talk to Dan if you have any questions
Item name Cost Link
Broodlord $40 https://www.games-workshop.com/en-US/Tyranid-Broodlord
Deathleaper $24.75 https://www.games-workshop.com/en-US/Tyranid-Deathleaper
Lictor 24.75 https://www.games-workshop.com/en-US/Tyranid-Lictor
Any cool Warhammer Fantasy Dwarf Don't spend more than $25 Talk to Dan
Any cool Warhammer Fantasy Skaven Don't spend more than $25 Talk to Dan
A Human to proxy as Felix Don't spend more than $25 This is for Dan specifically

For the Dwarf/Skaven I want a cool model to build but feel free to get anything :) O.G Warhammer is a +1.


I like anything UC esp 0079 and 0083.

To help avoid and duplicate buys with Gunpla here is a longlist of the ones I have.

Gunpla I own