Welcome to Senders' homepage

This is my personal site for my projects and other random stuff I feel like uploading. A lot of it comes in the form of micro-blogs and stream of consciousness ramblings.

You can subscribe to my extremely infrequent blog via RSS: /blog/feed.rss

Recent Post - 2022-12-31

RSS - A Follow-up

Get an RSS reader and connect everything to it!

Between switching to Mastodon for my social media allowance, and using a dedicated RSS reader has really cut down my overall consumption and wasted PC time.

this blogpost is originally posted to my gemini gemlog: gemini://senders.io/gemlog/2022-12-31-rss-a-follow-up.gmi which is where I do most of my writing, converting some useful to share things over here. It is also where the original RSS gemlog this is a follow-up to was posted. For context, I wanted to cutback on a lot of my web consumption, wasting time and just being mindless online. So I looked to RSS to help centralize and solve this issue.


So I am using https://tt-rss.org/ as my RSS aggregator. It’s a self-hosted RSS aggregator that, using profiles, allows you to subscribe to multiple feeds and have them “synced” between multiple devices (they’re not synced, you’re connecting to a central server). I like this because I don’t ever have to worry about dismissing, reading, or marking anything on my phone to have it still present on my PC. And I don’t have to worry about feed subscriptions or my phone pinging a bunch of feeds, or obviously, any third-party hosting.

Recent Post - 2022-12-05

CSS Themes Exist Now!?

Yeah news to me too! Seems like according to the MDN it’s been supported since 2019 for most browsers and supported by all by now.

This is so wild!

Why is this cool?

Well you may have noticed this is in dark mode now (if you set your preferences to dark in your OS/Browser). But this is cool because it means we’re no longer restricted to using Javascript and custom preferences for websites.

I had assumed this existed because sites like GitHub were defaulting to darkmode despite me never setting anything in like my profile settings. But I just assumed based off of my legacy knowledge this was some custom render trick using javascript.

The site source is available at git.senders.io/senders/senders-io.