Welcome to Senders' homepage

This is my personal site for my projects and other random stuff I feel like uploading. A lot of it comes in the form of micro-blogs and stream of consciousness ramblings.

Recent Post - 2022-11-06

My Markdown -> HTML Setup

A common way I see a lot of people blog, especially micro-blog, is in markdown.

Markdown is a lightweight markup language for creating formatted text using a plain-text editor.

Wikipedia | Markdown

It built itself on-top of common syntax prevalent on the web and was designed to be converted into simple HTML output. Since it leveraged preexisting syntax it was easy for new users to pick up, and is now found all over the web and applications.

Since I started this website, I had been writing each page by hand using a few tools to facilitate that - and for a while I had been looking for a good way to try out using markdown to generate some lighter pages and these blogposts.


Bread blog! - I started blogging about my bakes in the hopes of learning what I did right/wrong and perfecting my bread. This is a different format than the other blog posts, it's a single page containing, long form, all the different entries.

The site source is available at git.senders.io/senders/senders-io.