--post-date: 2020-02-16 --type: blog --tags: tech

remember/recall - what could've been a command line tool

During a meeting at work when I realized I often forget useful commands. So I had the bright idea to create a command line tool that would basically append a file with the command you wanted to remember that you could search over later if you wanted to recall a certain command. I figured I could it could just be a simple bash script that recalls your bash-history and appends it to a file, all things that are incredibly easy to do... or so I thought.

Look before you leap

This article is a reminder to myself to test the core functionality first, before decorating your program/script with all those bells and whistles. While I did learn a lot in the process it is always a good to check the basics first.

What went right

I actually ended up learning a lot during the development of the (never finished) tool. I had never used getopts inside a script before, which turned out to be extremely intuitive. That was all that went right...

What went wrong

Literally, everything else that could've went wrong did. The "project" was a single bash script roughly 160 lines long before I found out it wouldn't work. It was a series of flags that enabled actions that called functions, some of which ended the script either successfully or not. It wasn't necessarily a mess to read (I tried to make it that every function ended up in an exit so I knew if I entered I would need to assume it terminated) but it was hard to follow when writing. I tried to allow it so you could default an action to make the CLI intuitive which lead to a messy set of if/elses and switch cases.

You can't access un-committed bash history

History command in a bash shell commits the history at the end of the session. This makes sense once you know this, there are a lot of reasons saving the commands to file after every execution is probably not the best idea. However, it can be enabled with a flag when you enable a shell session. But I didn't want to build a tool that required me to remember I had to add something to my bash_profile before it would work. I wanted something I could just copy onto a new machine and have access to its functionality.

Lesson learned

While developing a tool to help me remember things, I learned something I cannot forget: Test the core, simplest functionality first. Before you do anything validate what you're trying to do will work. Because after building all of these fancy bells and whistles, if it can't do the basics, there is no point.