Recent Post - 2019-12-09
-Lisps, Assembly, C, and Conlangs
-I had originally hoped to do more blogging as a way of practicing my - writing and an incentive to do more hobby programming. The intent was - never to make this site solely programming, I had actually a few scrapped - posts about baking and guitar that just didn't get anywhere... but - that being said I did have a fair amount of hobbying in 2019 that I can - share some unfiltered, semi-structured thoughts on.
+Recent Post - 2020-01-13
+remember/recall - what could've been a command line tool
+During a meeting at work when I realized I often forget useful + commands. So I had the bright idea to create a command line tool that + would basically append a file with the command you wanted to remember + that you could search over later if you wanted to recall a certain + command. I figured I could it could just be a simple bash script that + recalls your bash-history and appends it to a file, all things that are + incredibly easy to do... or so I thought.