path: root/www/blog/2023-01-06/index.html
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1 files changed, 184 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/www/blog/2023-01-06/index.html b/www/blog/2023-01-06/index.html
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+<!DOCTYPE html>
+<html lang="en">
+ <meta charset="utf-8">
+ <meta name="generator"
+ content="HTML Tidy for HTML5 for Linux version 5.6.0">
+ <title> - How I Generate My RSS Feed</title>
+ <link rel='stylesheet'
+ type='text/css'
+ href='/index.css'>
+ <meta name="viewport"
+ content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
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+ <article>
+ <h1>How I Generate My RSS Feed</h1>
+ <p>I only just now started supplying an RSS feed to you fine people! You
+ can subscribe to it at <a href=
+ "/blog/feed.rss"></a>!</p>
+ <p>I decided rather than manually generating the file contents I’d hook
+ into my pre-existing publish scripts to be able to generate the RSS
+ file.</p>
+ <h2>Publishing blog posts - shell scripts ftw</h2>
+ <p>In <a href="/blog/2022-11-06/">My Markdown -&gt; HTML Setup</a> I
+ touch on how I publish my markdown files into HTML for this blog. But
+ what I don’t <em>really</em> touch on is the shell scripts that tie the
+ whole process together.</p>
+ <p>What I have is two, now three, scripts that feed the whole
+ process:</p>
+ <ol>
+ <li><code></code> - the main script</li>
+ <li><code></code> - generates the HTML output</li>
+ <li><code></code> - generates/appends the RSS feed</li>
+ </ol>
+ <p>The <code></code> script is the new one I just
+ added.</p>
+ <p><code></code> is the primary interface, I supply the
+ date of the post and the path to the md file and that calls compile and
+ update to automate the entire process.</p>
+ <p>Without going into TOO much detail you can view the latest versions of
+ the scripts at <a rel="external noopener noreferrer"
+ target="_blank"
+ href=
+ ""></a>.</p>
+ <p>But the gist of the scripts is I parse out the necessary details,
+ find/replace some tokens in template files I have setup for headers and
+ footers, and concat the outputs into the final output HTML files, and now
+ RSS feed.</p>
+ <h3></h3>
+ <p>Source File: <a rel="external noopener noreferrer"
+ target="_blank"
+ href=
+ ""></a></p>
+ <p>This script is pretty interesting. I didn’t want to deal with any XML
+ parsers and libraries to just maintain a proper XML rss file and push
+ items into the tree. Rather, I just follow a similar setup to my markdown
+ generation. I leverage some temporary files to hold the contents, a
+ static temp file for the previously generated content, and at the end
+ swap the temp file with the real file.</p>
+ <p>I take in an input of the publish date (this is the date from the
+ publish script), the title, and the HTML file path. These are all already
+ variables in the publish script, but also something I can manually supply
+ if I need to publish an older article, or something I wrote directly in
+ HTML.</p>
+ <p>The core of the script is found here:</p>
+ <pre><code>PUBDATE=$(date -d &quot;$1&quot; -R)
+PERMALINK=$(echo &quot;${FILE_PATH}&quot; | sed -e &quot;s,${TKN_URL_STRIP},${URL_PREFIX},g&quot;)
+LINK=$(echo &quot;${PERMALINK}&quot; | sed -e &quot;s,${TKN_INDEX_STRIP},,g&quot;)
+# Generate TMP FEED File Header
+sed -i -E &quot;s/${TKN_BUILDDATE}/${BUILDDATE}/g&quot; $FILE_TMP_FEED
+sed -i -E &quot;s/${TKN_PUBDATE}/${PUBDATE}/g&quot; $FILE_TMP_FEED
+# Generate TMP Item File
+sed -i -E &quot;s~${TKN_TITLE}~${TITLE}~g&quot; $FILE_TMP_ITEM
+sed -i -E &quot;s/${TKN_PUBDATE}/${PUBDATE}/g&quot; $FILE_TMP_ITEM
+sed -i -E &quot;s,${TKN_PERMALINK},${PERMALINK},g&quot; $FILE_TMP_ITEM
+sed -i -E &quot;s,${TKN_LINK},${LINK},g&quot; $FILE_TMP_ITEM
+sed -n &quot;/&lt;article&gt;/,/&lt;\/article&gt;/p&quot; $FILE_PATH &gt;&gt; $FILE_TMP_ITEM
+# Prepend Item to items list and overwrite items file w/ prepended item
+## In order to &quot;prepend&quot; the item (so it&#39;s on top of the others)
+## We need to concat the tmp item file with the existing list, then
+## we can push the contents over the existing file
+## We use cat -s to squeeze the blank lines
+# Push items to TMP FEED
+# Push RSS footer to TMP FEED
+cat -s $FILE_RSS_FOOTER &gt;&gt; $FILE_TMP_FEED
+# Publish feed
+echo &quot;Finished generating feed&quot;
+ <p>Some key takeaways are:</p>
+ <ol>
+ <li>sed lets you do regex with delimiters that AREN’T <code>/</code> so
+ you can substitute something that shouldn’t actually ever show up in
+ your regex. For me that is <code>~</code>.</li>
+ <li>I always forget you can use sed to extract between tokens - which
+ is how I get the CDATA for the RSS: <code>sed -n
+ &quot;/&lt;article&gt;/,/&lt;\/article&gt;/p&quot;</code></li>
+ <li><code>mktemp</code> is really REALLY useful - and I feel is under
+ utilized in shellscripting</li>
+ </ol>
+ <p>The obvious cracks are:</p>
+ <ol>
+ <li>I rely SO much on <code>sed</code> that it’s almost certainly going
+ to break</li>
+ <li>I don’t have much other flag control to do partial generation - so
+ if I need to do something either starting partway through or not finish
+ the full process, I don’t have that.</li>
+ <li>Sometimes things can break silently and it will go through, there
+ is no verification or like manual checking along the way before
+ publishing the feed.rss</li>
+ </ol>
+ <p>The final two can easily be managed by writing the feed to a location
+ that isn’t a temp file and I can manually do the <code>cat -s
+ $FILE_TMP_FEED &gt; www/blog/feed.rss</code> myself after I check it
+ over.</p>
+ <p>But for now I’ll see if I ever have to redo it. I don’t think anyone
+ will actually sub to this so I don’t really need to care that much if I
+ amend the feed.</p>
+ <h2>Where to put the feed URL</h2>
+ <p>I never intended to provide an RSS feed. I doubt anyone but me reads
+ this, and from my previous experience with gemini feed generation was a
+ bit of a headache.</p>
+ <p>A quick aside: I really only decided thanks to Mastodon. I was
+ thinking during the Twitter meltdown “what if twitter but RSS” (I know
+ super unique idea). But basically like a true “microblog”. And some OSS
+ tools to publish your blog. This got me reading the RSS spec and looking
+ into it more - which then lead me down the using the RSS readers more (in
+ conjunction with gemini, and Cortex podcast talking about using RSS
+ more).</p>
+ <p>But I’ve decided to just put the RSS feed in the blog index, on my
+ homepage, and that’s it. I don’t need it permanently in the header.</p>
+ <h2>Conclusion</h2>
+ <p>I didn’t have much to share here, it doesn’t make too much sense to
+ write a big post on what can be explained better by just checking out the
+ shell scripts in my git source. The code speaks better than I ever
+ could.</p>
+ <p>I really, really like shell scripting.</p>
+ </article>
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