path: root/www/blog/2020-01-13/index.html
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- <h2>remember/recall - what could&#39;ve been a command line tool</h2>
- <p>During a meeting at work when I realized I often forget useful
- commands. So I had the bright idea to create a command line tool that
- would basically append a file with the command you wanted to remember
- that you could search over later if you wanted to recall a certain
- command. I figured I could it could just be a simple bash script that
- recalls your bash-history and appends it to a file, all things that are
- incredibly easy to do... or so I thought.</p>
- <h3>Look before you leap</h3>
- <p>This article is a reminder to myself to test the core functionality
- first, before decorating your program/script with all those bells and
- whistles. While I did learn a lot in the process it is always a good to
- check the basics first.</p>
- <h3>What went right</h3>
- <p>I actually ended up learning a lot during the development of the
- (never finished) tool. I had never used <code>getopts</code> inside a
- script before, which turned out to be extremely intuitive. That was all
- that went right...</p>
- <h3>What went wrong</h3>
- <p>Literally, everything else that could&#39;ve went wrong did. The
- &quot;project&quot; was a single bash script roughly 160 lines long
- before I found out it wouldn&#39;t work. It was a series of flags that
- enabled actions that called functions, some of which ended the script
- either successfully or not. It wasn&#39;t necessarily a mess to read (I
- tried to make it that every function ended up in an exit so I knew if I
- entered I would need to assume it terminated) but it was hard to follow
- when writing. I tried to allow it so you could default an action to make
- the CLI intuitive which lead to a messy set of if/elses and switch
- cases.</p>
- <h4>You can&#39;t access un-committed bash history</h4>
- <p>History command in a bash shell commits the history at the end of the
- session. This makes sense once you know this, there are a lot of reasons
- saving the commands to file after every execution is probably not the
- best idea. However, it can be enabled with a flag when you enable a shell
- session. But I didn&#39;t want to build a tool that required me to
- remember I had to add something to my bash_profile before it would work.
- I wanted something I could just copy onto a new machine and have access
- to its functionality.</p>
- <h3>Lesson learned</h3>
- <p>While developing a tool to help me remember things, I learned
- something I cannot forget: Test the core, simplest functionality first.
- Before you do anything validate what you&#39;re trying to do will work.
- Because after building all of these fancy bells and whistles, if it
- can&#39;t do the basics, there is no point.</p>
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- <i>Updated and finally posted February 16, 2020</i>
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