path: root/www/blog/2022-12-31
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authorSteph Enders <>2024-02-29 09:31:15 -0500
committerSteph Enders <>2024-02-29 09:31:15 -0500
commit2b39175011422a0d8f96d7f598f46e2a781dd28f (patch)
treedd896a1e35e2ec194bfce829afd61f553652464a /www/blog/2022-12-31
parent350a5058cf383733a7e75f753abdcd1cb7aae2c5 (diff)
Initial rework commit: Build Script POC and CSS done
I've created the main CSS layout and a proof of concept for the build script: this will actually build any "done" _post/ file and generate it as a workable HTML file. However, no index file generate, rss, or gemini is implemented
Diffstat (limited to 'www/blog/2022-12-31')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 273 deletions
diff --git a/www/blog/2022-12-31/index.html b/www/blog/2022-12-31/index.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 6d224d3..0000000
--- a/www/blog/2022-12-31/index.html
+++ /dev/null
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- <article>
- <h1>RSS - A Follow-up</h1>
- <p>Get an RSS reader and connect everything to it!</p>
- <p>Between switching to Mastodon for my social media allowance, and using
- a dedicated RSS reader has really cut down my overall consumption and
- wasted PC time.</p>
- <blockquote>
- <p>this blogpost is originally posted to my gemini gemlog: <a href=
- "gemini://">gemini://</a>
- which is where I do most of my writing, converting some useful to share
- things over here. It is also where the original RSS gemlog this is a
- follow-up to was posted. For context, I wanted to cutback on a lot of
- my web consumption, wasting time and just being mindless online. So I
- looked to RSS to help centralize and solve this issue.</p>
- </blockquote>
- <h2>Recap</h2>
- <p>So I am using <a rel="external noopener noreferrer"
- target="_blank"
- href=""></a> as my RSS
- aggregator. It’s a self-hosted RSS aggregator that, using profiles,
- allows you to subscribe to multiple feeds and have them “synced”
- between multiple devices (they’re not synced, you’re connecting to a
- central server). I like this because I don’t ever have to worry about
- dismissing, reading, or marking anything on my phone to have it still
- present on my PC. And I don’t have to worry about feed subscriptions
- or my phone pinging a bunch of feeds, or obviously, any third-party
- hosting.</p>
- <h2>How I’ve been using it</h2>
- <p>So as always, please send me interesting RSS feeds! Or even your own!
- I am trying to read more blogs, and if you have something you enjoy drop
- me a DM or email! I’ll share what I am following throughout this section
- &lt;3</p>
- <h3>Blogs</h3>
- <p>Obviously, I am following blogs, one of the last holdouts of RSS. I
- have a few that I follow, mostly other transfolk on Mastodon that I found
- had their own blogs. Most non-trans folks I follow are using gemini and
- still rely on the feed aggregators for that.</p>
- <p>If you’re interested the two main ones I am reading right now are:</p>
- <ol>
- <li>
- <a rel="external noopener noreferrer"
- target="_blank"
- href="">Erin In The Morn
- (substack)</a>
- </li>
- <li>
- <a rel="external noopener noreferrer"
- target="_blank"
- href="">Selfaware Soup</a>
- </li>
- </ol>
- <p>Which have been pretty insightful. Erin sharing a lot of US
- transgender news, which is good since I have dropped off using Reddit
- which is where I “got” my “news” from.</p>
- <h3>Podcasts</h3>
- <p>The other mainstay in RSS is podcasts. Some even say if a podcast
- can’t be consumed via RSS, is it even a podcast? I would agree.
- Everything else is just a show. I don’t <em>need</em> the content to be
- consumable from my reader, but I’d really appreciate it if were. I am
- always on the lookout for more podcasts though. With the only two
- consistent listens being:</p>
- <ol>
- <li>
- <a rel="external noopener noreferrer"
- target="_blank"
- href="">The Pen Addict Podcast
- (</a>
- </li>
- <li>
- <a rel="external noopener noreferrer"
- target="_blank"
- href="">Cortex Podcast (</a>
- </li>
- </ol>
- <p>And currently off-season:</p>
- <ul>
- <li>
- <a rel="external noopener noreferrer"
- target="_blank"
- href="">Backmarkers Podcast
- (</a>
- </li>
- </ul>
- <p>Which has a YouTube video format. Though, I honestly really don’t care
- for Austin Evans, I just enjoy consuming some F1 content and pretending I
- have friends I can talk to about motor racing.</p>
- <p>While writing this section I added:</p>
- <ul>
- <li>
- <a rel="external noopener noreferrer"
- target="_blank"
- href=""> Podcast</a>
- </li>
- </ul>
- <p>I have yet to listen, some of the topics seem interesting and being
- infrequent gives me hope its quality over quantity. (And I like having
- podcasts for chores to distract my brain)</p>
- <h3>Tech News</h3>
- <p>Right now I follow two main news sources in tech:</p>
- <ol>
- <li>
- <a rel="external noopener noreferrer"
- target="_blank"
- href=""></a>
- </li>
- <li>
- <a rel="external noopener noreferrer"
- target="_blank"
- href=""></a>
- </li>
- </ol>
- <p>Running servers using stable debian - it’s good to know when security
- updates come in, as well as distro updates. And LWN is fantastic, I’ve
- been a subscriber for many years and while sometimes (Jake) can focus a
- bit heavy on Python news, has been always interesting to read.</p>
- <p>This is the section I plan on adding more and more to. I had other
- tech blogs that just felt like clutter and were pushing out daily
- articles that I couldn’t care less about ( cough cough).
- But that’s just me. Tech news is mainly where I want to focus - since
- fluff blogs are rarely my cup of tea.</p>
- <p>LWN has some links in their weekly editions for other news feeds I
- might consider directly subscribing too, but for now I have these.</p>
- <h3>Music News</h3>
- <p>Some folk have an RSS feed for their site updates, which I appreciate.
- Some use sites like Squarespace but don’t properly connect up the RSS
- feed which I do NOT appreciate.</p>
- <p>So right now I have two bandsites that DO update it seems (as their
- site aligns with the feed) - but the only one I’ll mention is: <a rel=
- "external noopener noreferrer"
- target="_blank"
- href=""></a> I’ve spoken of
- this artist in my Music Spotlight MANY times and is one of my
- favorites. His site, while entirely simple, is setup with RSS and has
- been publishing his updates consistently. I appreciate this. Always a
- strong rec from me!</p>
- <p>I’ve been toying with Music Review sites that talk about new releases
- in the genres they specialize in, but I haven’t settled on anything that
- is helping me discover new music.</p>
- <h3>YouTube</h3>
- <p>This is probably where the biggest change has actually come in. Having
- my YouTube feed fed through RSS has been fantastic. I am able to not only
- refresh and not miss any updates (since YouTube sometimes likes to pull
- updates in out of order than I don’t see it because it’s buried between
- some other videos that I’d already seen.</p>
- <p>But this also allows me one further level of filtering on my YouTube
- subscriptions. I can stay subscribed to channels I am interested in
- watching <em>occasionally</em> but not every video, and keep those off my
- RSS feed. And for the “I like to watch most if not all the new videos” I
- can subscribe to those via RSS. So it’s like the “bell” but without the
- app basically. And since on Mobile I do NOT use the YouTube app (so I can
- take advantage of the Ad Blocker in Firefox) that’s great!</p>
- <p>What sucks / is tricky is actually subscribing to the RSS feeds
- because YouTube buried that feature now. You just need the channel_id or
- the username and you can subscribe using the following URL:</p>
- <pre><code>{ID}
- <p>And you can obtain the channel_id either using the URL (though with
- aliases now (@channelname) its rare to see a channel_id in the URL) if
- present otherwise a little console JS can print it out:</p>
- <pre><code>ytInitialData.metadata.channelMetadataRenderer.externalId
- <p>A note however - you’ll need to clear the console if you navigate to
- the next channel, at least in Firefox, it caches the result otherwise and
- you’ll print out the duplicate value. There are some tools where you can
- print your subscribers list into these feed URLs and bulk subscribe. I’ve
- lost the link (and it’s what I did initially) but I recommend doing the
- manual add at least to focus on the channels you WANT in RSS, since you
- can always fallback to the main subscriptions page on YouTube.</p>
- <p>But what this has given me is the ability to effectively ignore
- YouTube almost entirely. Ideally, I’d script something with YouTube-dl
- but I don’t REALLY care that much, and I’ve gotten into the habit of
- closing the tab after the video so I don’t stick around and get sucked
- into the algorithm.</p>
- <p>What my morning looks like is sitting down, switching to my tt-rss
- tab, seeing what’s fresh, and watching a video with my coffee maybe, then
- just moving on and doing something else. I still lurk Mastodon, or get
- sucked into my computer in some way or another, but it’s been really
- positive! I can count on one hand how many times since dedicating to RSS
- I’ve just clicked around YouTube.</p>
- <h3>Hobby</h3>
- <p>The last section which really is an extension of Blogs/News is “hobby”
- RSS feeds. These feed a bit into the consumerist side of life and why I
- keep them separate. Right now it’s almost <em>entirely</em> fountain pen
- related (Who&#39;da thought this community would still be writing blogs
- :P) but since most of the blog posts are either about products or reviews
- in some way, I try and limit how much I expose myself to them. I have
- been working on a draft about consumerism for quite a while now and just
- haven’t really worked it into a post that isn’t just DAE consumerism BAD?
- low-effort Toot level. (But basically, I kinda hate how all my hobbies,
- and hobbies in general rely heavily on a consumerism mindset, GAS, and
- such). So I’ve been trying to be more appreciative of what I already have
- and such.</p>
- <p>But these blogs are nice, and often keep in the know about my hobbies
- and can react to anything meaningful that’s being released. A good video
- sorta on this topic was by Adam Neely(<a rel=
- "external noopener noreferrer"
- target="_blank"
- href="">Adam Neely - How In-Ear
- Monitors are Making Better Musicians</a>), and how his band spend
- $6000 on gear for their tour, but what it did was eliminate stress and
- enable them to more easily fine tune and control how they monitor
- their live performance. He touches on the fact that gear videos feed
- into the consumerist mindset of music making, but gear is often
- necessary to facilitate certain things, and setting up a portable
- in-ear-monitor rig for their entire band is well… unavoidable. It’s
- just a minor aside in a much deeper video about IEMs and touring and
- FEEL. And quite the departure from his usual music education content.
- But it sums up the main thesis of my consumerism gemlog quite nicely I
- feel (or at least I am projecting my thoughts into a brief aside he
- makes).</p>
- <h2>tt-rss - in retrospect</h2>
- <p>So tt-rss is <em>fine</em> honestly, I think I need to setup a better
- theme, something that has a bit more contrast. I don’t REALLY read in it,
- I just use it as the aggregator and then open the links directly. I don’t
- mind the way it renders the full articles with images, but I do mind how
- GREY it is by default (in “night” theme). It looks totally customizable
- and I bet I can download a decent theme for it if I look. But I may spend
- some time doing that and try and read more in application.</p>
- <p>But other than that it’s been quite the improvement over my internet
- experience. More RSS!!</p>
- <h2>Conclusion</h2>
- <p>I need more feeds, as I do enjoy reading. So I’m always on the look
- out. I hate to throw in engagement-y things like “let me know” stuff but
- I am genuinely looking for interesting suggestions for stuff you might
- subscribe to over RSS. Even if it’s just “this is my webblog” :) I always
- like reading people’s things. I should troll the aggregators and look at
- folks capsule landings to see what is linked!</p>
- <p>Anyway, you should look into getting an RSS aggregator setup. It’s
- been really impactful on cutting down on internet scrolling and
- mindlessness.</p>
- </article>
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- <i>December 31, 2022</i>
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