AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2023-04-11Add yaml mode and remove unneeded roam typesorg-roammainSteph Enders
2023-04-04Add additional org-roam templates and keybindsSteph Enders
Expand out some of the templates for org-roam: m - Map of Contents (MOC) n - Note p - Person (specific type of MOC ? can this be a tag?)
2023-04-03Setup org-roam and org-roam-uiSteph Enders
In order to best integrate I also setup use-package which changed a bunch too.
2023-04-01Add back git-completionSteph Enders
2023-04-01Use slimmed down bash_profile from work PCSteph Enders
This will require moving some of the deleted lines over the .pc_local_bash_profile on my machine - but this is where I need to put stuff like the KDE settings and everything. Looking at this more - I think the "go" and "rust" stuff could likely get moved as well, but we'll see.
2023-04-01emacs: Have C-e/a respect true linesSteph Enders
With virtual-lines C-e / C-a will jump to the end of the virtual line. This has it jump to the ACTUAL start/end of the line, much like vim's 0 $ does. Which is nice.
2023-03-31Install lsp packages for IDE supportSteph Enders
Now I have an IDE!!! Look at: for information and such - will contain the necessary out-links to anything else I'll need :)
2023-03-30Hide emacs edit filesSteph Enders
2023-03-30Reorganize emacs.d - use straight.elSteph Enders
Major restructuring of the emacs directory: - moved .emacs to .emacs.d/init.el - setup early-init.el (as per straight.el directions) - moved major things into plugins.el - moved package installs into packages.el
2023-03-30Move .emacs to .emacs.d/init.elSteph Enders
2023-03-30Update i3/config to include local fileSteph Enders
This also syncs with my work setup which is my prefered setup anyway. There are likely still configurations I can move out to my desktops "local" configuration. But we'll see
2023-03-30Fix sum method to be defaultBranch agnosticSteph Enders
2023-03-30Update gitconfig with work settings and extensionsSteph Enders
Allow more computer specific gitconfig extensions with: `~/.pc_local_gitconfig` this can override specific settings like email and also setup `includeIf` blocks for specific directories
2023-03-30Remove extra lines from READMESteph Enders
2023-03-30Alias emacsclient for systemd emacs server utilsSteph Enders
In conjunction with our em file (to be setup in senders/bin) to be able to load emacsclient in a GUI when needed. Reminder em -c is needed to invoke a new gui if none is present.
2023-03-30Improve .emacs default setup - allow theme toggleSteph Enders
2023-03-30Move --ignore to .stow-local-ignore fileSteph Enders
It seems like --ignore isn't as 1:1 with the local ignore file. Which is very frustrating TBH! The good news is it looks like it takes precident over the default settings which ignored the .gitignore - so we can throw that into the mix! Overall, this tool is very nice because it makes traversing these files much much simpler. But I feel like for something that SHOULD be relatively simple is actually not so? Which is a shame.
2023-03-30Ignore .stowrc - this shouldn't be "universal"Steph Enders
.stowrc file is a local configuration specific to this repository. It should not get copied over to home directory
2023-03-30Fix gitconfig ignore path - cannot resolve $HOMESteph Enders
Some stupid reason I was thinking "oh $HOME is more universal" ... IDK why I thought that would make sense versuses using ~/ which is like... ugh... don't program while sleepy kids.
2023-03-29Clean-up .stowrc and allow stowing gitignoreSteph Enders
I think it may be built into the software, or just a sideeffect of ignoring .git - there doesn't SEEM to be anything I can do bypass this - so the EASIEST thing to do is simply revert back to using dot-gitignore which I had before. But since there is the .config folder issue - I am going to make this the only file using dot- . Which is fine, sine .gitignore in a repo TYPICALLY is specific to that repository anyway
2023-03-29Migrate dotfiles to new setup using stowSteph Enders
I've copied the preliminary list of configurations over from the old repo as well as some probably unnecessary globablly, local files (oversteer) - but I mean it REALLY cannot hurt to have a simple .ini file on a computer. But I may look into having PC branches that are rebased off of master, but it may make merging harder? so IDK. Risky. Anyway. The committed has all you need to know. But for posterity the reason I am using org-mode files for the README is I am seeing how test driving emacs goes. Very easily can swap this over to a markdown file. Just figure - why not.