BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
bill-buildSetup so it can build on debianBill3 years
macosPin boost to boost-1.79.0Steph Enders3 years
masterUpdate key, door color pairingsSteph Enders2 years
AgeCommit messageAuthor
2022-12-23Update key, door color pairingsHEADmasterSteph Enders
2022-12-17Fix door logic, off by 1 errorSteph Enders
2022-12-17Support doors with keysSteph Enders
2022-12-16Update enemies list to prevent movement collisionSteph Enders
2022-12-15Make some levels a bit more playableSteph Enders
2022-12-15Fix best effort to work properlySteph Enders
2022-12-15Disable enemy movement through enemies or treasureSteph Enders
2022-12-10Move enemies that have no pathSteph Enders
2022-12-10Trap lua errors and fail on errorSteph Enders
2022-12-10Update thirdparty for Boost and add MacOS notesSteph Enders