AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2023-02-26Support splitting files with --- / added testsSteph Enders
Added some tests to verify that you can now split your files with --- to join multiple queries into a single file. This could be for if you have two separate regexes to run or even two sources you want to run the same query against. Example file: ```example.conf query=.*example.conf$ source=/path/to/example/ target=/path/to/dest/ --- query=.*different.csv$ soruce=/path/to/different/ target=/path/to/dest/ ```
2022-03-19Reduce verbose find queries in favor of mv -vSteph Enders
We can literally use mv -v instead! Why didn't I think to look at the manpage for mv! Lol
2022-03-19Improve logging and change default .d dirBill
Rather than looking at the environment varible otherwise use the local automv.d directory - set it to something more centralized in the environement e.g /usr/local/etc/automv.d/ Also the logs were unclear what was happening so extracted the find query into a function to be able to run/rerun it a few times to improve the existing logging. I wonder if there is a better way to print what is happening in the xargs w/o repeating the move a bunch: fn_mv { echo "Moving: $1 to $2" mv $1 $2 } and call: find ... | xargs -I'{}' fn_mv {} $target Perhaps?
2022-03-19Create automv scriptBill
Automv script will allow a cronjob to easily move files from one dir to another based on a find regex query. You can dynamically set what files to look for and where using .conf files in the automv.d folder present next to the script - or by setting its location in AUTOMV_DIR. Dev note: I specifically avoided using $HOME/.local/automv.d/ because my specific use case the user whose cron this will be in doesn't have a home directory. An improvement could be expanding the smart defaults to doing something like: if [[ -n "$HOME" ]]; then if [[ -d $HOME/.local/automv.d ]]; then # use that else # etc else # etc But I don't like long bash if/else nesting so I figured just set a local default otherwise override in the env